Sunday, September 25, 2011

A light bulb moment

As I continued to ponder my decision to research on vertical partnership, a light bulb moment occured. I have been receiving training on the new state mandated test STAAR (The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) and the requirements for both teachers and students.  I am able to see the connection between my research and the expectations for student achievement. My research is focusing on how teachers can learn strategies from a teacher teaching a grade or grade levels above and the effectiveness of improving student achievement by doing this.  TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) would focus more on students meeting grade level curriculum more of a horizontal approach.  The STAAR test focuses more on "readiness" standards with a more vertical alignment approach. 

"STAAR assessments have been designed to focus on "readiness" standards, which are defined as those Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) student expectations that are not only essential for success in the current grade or course but also important for preparedness in the next grade or course. By focusing on the student expectations that are most critical to assess, STAAR will better measure the academic performance of students as they progress from elementary to middle school to high school".

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